Sunday, May 10, 2009

Busy Busy Busy~~

No updates on my vox cuz of my crazy non-stop workload... Have to pass up at least 3 to 4 stuff each WEEK!! And worse of all is most of them are due either on Monday or Thursday... WHY NOT FRIDAY?? Yeeeesshhh... Been visiting uni 3 weeks in a row non-stop... Definitely a record for me... Today decided to stay home cuz it's Mother's Day!

My beautiful little notepad on my desktop...

My presentation topic for pharmaco is anti-depressent drugs... hahaha... My coursemate chose it... So we asked her,'Waaa... you depressed ar??'.... hahaha...

For 3 weeks, I haven't had a nice sleep in bed... Constantly worrying about due dates for reports and assignments... To make matters worse, I did badly in my parasitology test... GOSH! Well, that's what I get for studying while I was 3/4 awake... hahaha...

Yikes! I've only finished the first thing on my list!! Only have discussion and intro left for my pharmaco report... MBB assingment?? Errrr... Still reading journals which I seriously have no idea what they are talking about... Presentations?? Haven't touched any of them yet... EXAM??? HAVEN'T EVEN PRINTED OUT THE NOTES! *omg*

okok... Have to finish up my work now... *sighs*
Real glad I didn't sign up for the research sub...


p/s: I found some floating thingy in my gel... That floating thingy was actually the overflown DNA ladder... Go and google up what a DNA ladder is if you are curious cuz I ain't gonna explain it here... Yea... As u can see that from the 3rd to the 6th well, there were DNA in them... By right, only lane 4 was suppose to have the ladder but SOMEHOW, just SOMEHOW the other group loaded the ladder in the well and it overflowed and termasuk the other wells... Some of the ladder was out of the well and so it migrated ON TOP OF THE GEL instead of within the gel... Geezzz... Third year student osso dunno how to load sample... *swt*

and here is a pic of a freshwater invertebrate... Can't remember the name adey... heheh... think twice before opening your mouth and drinking the oh-so-clean and refreshing river water... hahahaha.... Click for the full size pic...

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