Typing is soooo difficult now cuz the 'w' and '!' buttons of my keyboard aren't working =(
My comp wouldn't start while I was in Mulu (well the last 2 days)... No idea y... When I came home and asked IT expert, Mr Jason (yea nette, yr bro!), he actually used his super power to start it up! No kidding!! I was super shocked!!!! All he did was touch my comp and said the magic word 'Ohhhmmm' and my comp was running again!! ROFL!! When I told my friends, they just laughed and were like ,'Serious???'... hehe...I already uploaded the good pics on my facebook... Didn't bother uploading the different pics of forests as they pretty look the same to most of you =)
1st row- Sui Peng, Dorin, Li Jin, Dr Cathy
2nd row - Natalie, Maleeha (Malaleila), me, XingKang, Dr Charles
That's all ^^
I came back with tons of mosquito bites n a sprained ankle... Leech bites?? NONE... but two leeches did fall on my arm but thanks to my super reflexes, I swept them off my arms before they hooked into my flesh =)
I pulled 2 leeches off form my friends' legs but for some reason, they wouldn't let go... Natalie had help from Patty cakes (Hah) and Sui Peng used rocks to get the pesky water leech off her...
P/S: Mulu is not a cave... It's a mountain... It's Gunung Mulu or Mulu National Park NOT MULU CAVE... There are 5 caves (prolly more, not sure) - Lang Cave, Deer Cave, Clearwater Cave, Moonmilk Cave, and Wind Cave...
Sadly, I only managed to visit Lang and Deer Caves cuz not enough time...
Short description of what I did during my trip...
P/S: Mulu is not a cave... It's a mountain... It's Gunung Mulu or Mulu National Park NOT MULU CAVE... There are 5 caves (prolly more, not sure) - Lang Cave, Deer Cave, Clearwater Cave, Moonmilk Cave, and Wind Cave...
Sadly, I only managed to visit Lang and Deer Caves cuz not enough time...
Short description of what I did during my trip...
Day 1 - Arrived at Miri and my personal tour guide brought me around... hahaha...
Day 2 - Arrived at Mulu, chilled, had dinner & went for a night walk
Day 3 - Australian students arrived, briefing, visit sampling sites, watch the bats, night walk
Day 4 - Went to the alluvial forest and measured trees in 16 plots (radius of 9 m)
Day 5 - Went for the canopy walk in the morning, visited the mosaic forest and did 8 plots, then around 2.30pm went to the Deer and Lang Caves...
Day 6 - Went to the mosaic forest again and did 12 plots... Helped my friends search and identify frogs at night...
Day 7 - Went to the dipterocarp forest which was a 2.5 hours hike to the site... Did 20 plots but had help from 4 volunteers!! It rained on the way back... Took us only 2 hours to get back... went for a night walk again... preparing presentation... then got a call frm Dr Rohan saying that he found a TARSIER!!!! Back to presentation... slept at 3.30am...
Day 8 - Presentation session at 8am and then aussie students left... Relaxed... Played heart attack at night...
Day 9 - Went to Long Iman, a Penan village... Hiked to the waterfall then visited a keranga forest... went for a last night walk in hope of searching for another tarsier or maybe a slow lauris but no luck...
Day 10 - Sad day... Had breakfast, lats minute packing, chat chat chat, then left Mulu... Reached Miri at around 2 something... Left Miri at 4.30pm... Reached KLIA at almost 7pm, sent Dorin n Lijin home and then headed to Sa's house for dinner...
Day 2 - Arrived at Mulu, chilled, had dinner & went for a night walk
Day 3 - Australian students arrived, briefing, visit sampling sites, watch the bats, night walk
Day 4 - Went to the alluvial forest and measured trees in 16 plots (radius of 9 m)
Day 5 - Went for the canopy walk in the morning, visited the mosaic forest and did 8 plots, then around 2.30pm went to the Deer and Lang Caves...
Day 6 - Went to the mosaic forest again and did 12 plots... Helped my friends search and identify frogs at night...
Day 7 - Went to the dipterocarp forest which was a 2.5 hours hike to the site... Did 20 plots but had help from 4 volunteers!! It rained on the way back... Took us only 2 hours to get back... went for a night walk again... preparing presentation... then got a call frm Dr Rohan saying that he found a TARSIER!!!! Back to presentation... slept at 3.30am...
Day 8 - Presentation session at 8am and then aussie students left... Relaxed... Played heart attack at night...
Day 9 - Went to Long Iman, a Penan village... Hiked to the waterfall then visited a keranga forest... went for a last night walk in hope of searching for another tarsier or maybe a slow lauris but no luck...
Day 10 - Sad day... Had breakfast, lats minute packing, chat chat chat, then left Mulu... Reached Miri at around 2 something... Left Miri at 4.30pm... Reached KLIA at almost 7pm, sent Dorin n Lijin home and then headed to Sa's house for dinner...
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